About the Journal
is a journal that contains articles on the results of classroom studies from all researchers, lecturers, and teachers. This journal is one of the reputable journals in Indonesia that the DAS Institute has published.
Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) is published 2 (two) times a year in July and January. This journal provides open access and free-of-charge submission to the public and will support the exchange of knowledge about research results in the field of education.
Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) aims to provide high-quality papers and critical issues in the field of education, including:
- Teaching and Learning Innovation,
- Instructional Design and Methodology,
- E-learning,
- Teacher Education,
- Educational Technology,
- Learning Environment,
- Assessment of Educational Practices,
- Classroom Research,
- Islamic Education Curriculum.
Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR), published by DAS Institute, has e-ISSN 3025-0730 and became a Crossref member in 2023 with the prefix 10.53866. Therefore, All articles published by the Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) will have unique DOI numbers with the prefix 10.53866 since Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2023.
Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research (IJCAR) is currently indexed/listed in Crossref, Google Scholar, Dimensions, GARUDA, Index Copernicus International, WorldCat, Scilit, EuroPub, TEI, ESJI, DRJI, ResearchBib, Neliti, J-Gate, ResearchGate, etc.
Current Issue
Dear All Authors, Reviewers, Editors, and Readers of IJCAR: Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research.
We would like to pass on congratulations to all authors in this issue from Indonesia
IJCAR: Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research, Vol.2, No.2, July 2024 has been published and available online at https://journal.das-institute.com/index.php/ijcar/issue/view/41
Also, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the time and effort devoted by reviewers to improving the quality of published work in IJCAR: Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research. It is a pleasure, therefore, to be able to pass on thanks from the Editorial Board to All Reviewers who also reviewed papers for this issue.
Best Wishes
Galih Albarra Shidiq, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief of IJCAR: Indonesian Journal of Classroom Action Research