: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2024-09-23T10:26:10+07:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Gotong-Royong</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang berfokus pada pengabdian masyarakat dan inovasi sosial dengan <strong>ISSN: XXXX-XXXX.</strong> Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi platform bagi para akademisi, praktisi, dan pemerhati dalam berbagi pengetahuan, pengalaman, serta hasil penelitian dan praktik pengabdian masyarakat yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.</p> <p>Visi Jurnal Gotong-Royong adalah menjadi jurnal unggulan dalam bidang pengabdian masyarakat dan mendorong kolaborasi antara akademisi dan masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sosial dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.</p> <p>Misi jurnal ini mencakup membangun wadah komunikasi dan kolaborasi antara akademisi, praktisi, dan masyarakat, serta mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan praktik terbaik dalam berbagai program pengabdian masyarakat.</p> <p>Jurnal Gotong-Royong menyambut kontribusi dari berbagai disiplin ilmu terkait pengabdian masyarakat seperti program pengembangan masyarakat, kesehatan masyarakat, pendidikan, lingkungan, dan isu-isu sosial lainnya.</p> ALAT PERMAINAN EDUKATIF SEBAGAI STRATEGI PENANGGULANGAN STUNTING PADA ANAK USIA DINI DI DESA PANERUSAN, WADASLINTANG2024-09-14T08:05:33+07:00Naufalin Nazla Afdhalakpmpanerusan@gmail.comAsep Sunarkoarobiyah10@gmail.comNawa Kartika Abdi Negaraarobiyah10@gmail.comChairul Adi Wibowoarobiyah10@gmail.comYuniatun Hasanaharobiyah10@gmail.comNailul Amaliaarobiyah10@gmail.comAmanda Salsabilaarobiyah10@gmail.comAmelia Sholehaharobiyah10@gmail.comSiti Mariyamarobiyah10@gmail.comSyamsa Hawwa Khairunisaarobiyah10@gmail.comIstifaiyah Istifaiyaharobiyah10@gmail.comAhmad Najaarobiyah10@gmail.comShandi Annuriza Rachmandaarobiyah10@gmail.comMohammad A'lal Khikamarobiyah10@gmail.comMohamad<p><em>Stunting in early childhood is a serious problem faced by Indonesia, including in Panerusan Village, Wadaslintang. This research discusses the development of educational game tools as a stunting prevention strategy in the village. This research aims to: (1) describe the characteristics of early childhood in Panerusan Village, (2) analyze educational needs related to stunting, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of educational game tools in increasing children's and parents' knowledge and behavior regarding stunting. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the educational game tools developed are effective in increasing the knowledge and behavior of children and parents regarding stunting. It is hoped that this educational game tools can be one of the solutions in efforts to overcome stunting in Panerusan Village and other villages in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><em>Stunting in early childhood is a serious problem faced by Indonesia, including in Panerusan Village, Wadaslintang. This research discusses the development of educational game tools as a stunting prevention strategy in the village. This research aims to: (1) describe the characteristics of early childhood in Panerusan Village, (2) analyze educational needs related to stunting, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of educational game tools in increasing children's and parents' knowledge and behavior regarding stunting. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the educational game tools developed are effective in increasing the knowledge and behavior of children and parents regarding stunting. It is hoped that this educational game tools can be one of the solutions in efforts to overcome stunting in Panerusan Village and other villages in Indonesia.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Naufalin Nazla Afdhala, Asep Sunarko, Nawa Kartika Abdi Negara, Chairul Adi Wibowo, Yuniatun Hasanah, Nailul Amalia, Amanda Salsabila, Amelia Sholehah, Siti Mariyam, Syamsa Hawwa Khairunisa, Istifaiyah Istifaiyah, Ahmad Naja, Shandi Annuriza Rachmanda, Mohammad A'lal Khikam, Mohamad Ngatoilah MASA PUBERTAS PADA REMAJA AWAL DI DESA LIPURSARI WONOSOBO2024-09-23T10:26:10+07:00Nila Amaniakpm49lipursarileksono@gmail.comRendi Al-hamdaarobiyah10@gmail.comMaulana Khafifiarobiyah10@gmail.comDiva Al Ihksanarobiyah10@gmail.comVitta Eliya Kulsumarobiyah10@gmail.comZaky Akbar Albannaarobiyah10@gmail.comTaufik Yurifkiarobiyah10@gmail.comLuqman Jatmikoarobiyah10@gmail.comSekar Anum Lestariarobiyah10@gmail.comAzizatul Munawaroharobiyah10@gmail.comKurniasih Kurniasiharobiyah10@gmail.comNur Faatikhatun Azizaharobiyah10@gmail.comAbidullah Haidararobiyah10@gmail.comAhmad<p><em>Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. Puberty is a stage in development where sexual organs mature and reproductive ability is achieved. So, some teenagers can get through it well and there are also those who experience obstacles in the further development process. Therefore, knowledge about puberty in adolescents really requires the attention of every teenager, counselor at school and parents. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge about puberty and physical changes in adolescents at SD, MI, MTS Lipursari. The method used is a survey method using a sample of 100 children. There are 40 students at SD N Lipursari, 29 students at MI Ma'arif Lipursari and 31 students at MTS Ma'arif Ar-Ridho Lipursari. So the level of knowledge of young men and women regarding puberty knowledge in all schools is generally good.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nila Amania, Rendi Al-hamda, Maulana Khafifi, Diva Al Ihksan, Vitta Eliya Kulsum, Zaky Akbar Albanna, Taufik Yurifki, Luqman Jatmiko, Sekar Anum Lestari, Azizatul Munawaroh, Kurniasih Kurniasih, Nur Faatikhatun Azizah, Abidullah Haidar, Ahmad Rifangi SAMPAH DAN LIMBAH DARI GERAKAN OPTIMALISASI PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH ORGANIK DAN NON ORGANIK DI DESA SUKORENO2024-09-17T18:56:25+07:00Ismail marzukiyasminoktavianiyp28@gmail.comYasmin Oktaviani Yogi Pratiwiarobiyah10@gmail.comMuhamad Rifqi Sofatulloharobiyah10@gmail.comNamira Kurniaarobiyah10@gmail.comNabbilah Wimanda Putri Khofsofiarobiyah10@gmail.comKhoirul Anamarobiyah10@gmail.comMaulana Ramadhanarobiyah10@gmail.comAhmad Farkhan Annafikarobiyah10@gmail.comAlisa Qothrun Nadaarobiyah10@gmail.comHenna Hurriyin Mawazaharobiyah10@gmail.comMega Shafitriarobiyah10@gmail.comAyu Putrianaarobiyah10@gmail.comSovi<p><em>Effective waste management is a major challenge in the modern era due to the increasing volume of waste and its environmental impact. This article discusses how waste and garbage can be utilized through various efforts to optimize the management of organic and non- organic waste. Several methods are explored, including the production of liquid organic fertilizer (POC), solid fertilizer, and eco bricks as a way to repurpose plastic waste. The goal. is to educate the public and raise awareness about the importance of waste management. Collaboration between various stakeholders is essential to create innovative and sustainable solutions. By implementing these approaches, it is hoped that the negative impact of waste on the environment can be reduced, resources can be used more efficiently, and the quality of life can be improved through more environmentally-friendly waste management practices.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ismail marzuki, Yasmin Oktaviani Yogi Pratiwi, Muhamad Rifqi Sofatulloh, Namira Kurnia, Nabbilah Wimanda Putri Khofsofi, Khoirul Anam, Maulana Ramadhan, Ahmad Farkhan Annafik, Alisa Qothrun Nada, Henna Hurriyin Mawazah, Mega Shafitri, Ayu Putriana, Sovi Amalia PENINGKATAN KESADARAN MASYARAKAT TENTANG STUNTIING SERTA PENERAPAN POLA HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DI DESA SUROJOYO2024-09-17T18:43:47+07:00Handoyo Lufi Aziziarobiyah10@gmail.comAhmad Busthomiarobiyah10@gmail.comNalang Putra Nugrohoarobiyah10@gmail.comIhsanul Amalarobiyah10@gmail.comDanu Prasetyoarobiyah10@gmail.comAuvar Ahdanarobiyah10@gmail.comRwanda Dian Syafitriarobiyah10@gmail.comEva Ludfia Maharaniarobiyah10@gmail.comCitra Dewi Sekar Wangiarobiyah10@gmail.comRatna Widiyasariarobiyah10@gmail.comWafiq Nur Azizaharobiyah10@gmail.comOviatul Maungidloh Oviatul Maungidloharobiyah10@gmail.comQurotu<p><em>Stunting is a significant health problem in Indonesia, especially in rural areas. Efforts to prevent stunting in a village involve various strategies that are integrated with the local community. Here are some of the main steps in efforts to prevent stunting in the village: 1. Introduction of Healthy Food: Socialization of healthy and nutritious food for mothers and toddlers is an important step. Simple food that can be made by mothers themselves can help increase adequate and balanced nutritional intake, 2. Nutrition and Health Monitoring: Monitoring the nutrition and health of toddlers during critical periods, such as the pregnancy period, postpartum period, and the period after birth, is very important to prevent stunting, 3. Community Empowerment: Community empowerment through communication of information and education about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition can increase public awareness about stunting. Families and local communities must be involved in stunting prevention efforts, 4. Good Health Services: Better access to health care, including promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional support during pregnancy, is essential to prevent stunting, 5. Prevention and Control Programs: Programs such as providing additional food (PMT), milk, and Vortivit rice can help overcome stunting. In addition, assisting mothers in childbirth for early breastfeeding incision (IMD) and assisting cadres and officers in providing exclusive breastfeeding are also effective. With an integrated strategy and involving various parties, stunting prevention efforts in a village can be effective in reducing stunting rates and improving the quality of human resources for the next generation.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Handoyo Handoyo, Muhamad Lufi Azizi, Ahmad Busthomi, Nalang Putra Nugroho, Ihsanul Amal, Danu Prasetyo, Auvar Ahdan, Rwanda Dian Syafitri, Eva Ludfia Maharani, Citra Dewi Sekar Wangi, Ratna Widiyasari, Wafiq Nur Azizah, Oviatul Maungidloh Oviatul Maungidloh, Qurotu Aini KADER POSYANDU REMAJA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN ZERO STUNTING DI DESA KEDALON2024-09-14T09:05:26+07:00Laila Kurniya Khurotinkpmunsiqdesakedalon@gmail.comRigan Dwi Bagus Setiawanarobiyah10@gmail.comDiva Ramadhaniarobiyah10@gmail.comUlfiyah Ummu Farwaharobiyah10@gmail.comFirly Ameilia Mulyonokpmunsiqdesakedalon@gmail.comZakiyatus Sangadahkpmunsiqdesakedalon@gmail.comSella Elly Ervinaarobiyah10@gmail.comAyunda Asya Melianaarobiyah10@gmail.comSalma Auliya Azzahraarobiyah10@gmail.comRezi Adzar Al Ghifariarobiyah10@gmail.comNayadipa Kusumaarobiyah10@gmail.comMuhamad Juli Saputraarobiyah10@gmail.comDimas Reza<p class="s22"><span class="s21"><span class="bumpedFont15">Stunting is a growing condition in children due to prolonged lack of nutrition, which is a serious challenge for the community, including in the village of Kedalon Kalikajar. This research aims to analyze and develop stunting prevention strategies through the formation of youth posyandu cadres in Kedalon Kalikajar Village, Wonosobo. The prevention carried out is in the form of forming a youth posyandu cadre which involves teenagers as the main target to become agents of change considering that they have great potential to influence the childbearing age group. This research uses social action research methods with a target population of teenagers aged 15 to 21 years, collecting data in the form of observation, interviews and literature studies. The research results show that the formation of youth posyandu cadres can play a significant role in increasing understanding of health, eating patterns and active lifestyles among teenagers. The implementation of this program has succeeded in increasing the motivation and commitment of cadres in carrying out their duties so that they are able to realize Zero Stunting in Kedalon Kalikajar Village.</span></span></p> <p> </p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Laila Kurniya Khurotin, Rigan Dwi Bagus Setiawan, Diva Ramadhani, Ulfiyah Ummu Farwah, Firly Ameilia Mulyono, Zakiyatus Sangadah, Sella Elly Ervina, Ayunda Asya Meliana, Salma Auliya Azzahra, Rezi Adzar Al Ghifari, Nayadipa Kusuma, Muhamad Juli Saputra, Dimas Reza Pahlevi LIMBAH PLASTIK SEBAGAI BAHAN UTAMA PEMBUATAN PAVING BLOCK DI DESA PANERUSAN 2024-09-17T19:05:35+07:00Nawa kartikapanerusan123@gmail.comChairul Adi Wibowoarobiyah10@gmail.comYuniatun Hasanaharobiyah10@gmail.comNailul Amaliaarobiyah10@gmail.comAmanda Salsabilaarobiyah10@gmail.comAmelia Sholehaharobiyah10@gmail.comSiti Mariyamarobiyah10@gmail.comSyamsa Hawwa Khairunisaarobiyah10@gmail.comIstifaiyah Istifaiyaharobiyah10@gmail.comNaufalin Nazla Afdhalaarobiyah10@gmail.comAhmad Najaarobiyah10@gmail.comShandi Annuriza Rachmandaarobiyah10@gmail.comMohammad A'lal Khikamarobiyah10@gmail.comMohamad<p><em>Plastic waste is just dirty, smelly, and disease-causing waste and pollutes the environment, including in the Panerusan Village environment, Wadaslintang. Actually, it can be made into various materials, which can be used for human needs. In addition to being used from a technical perspective, processed materials from plastic waste also have high economic value. This study aims to: (1) solve the problem of plastic waste. (2) increase the economic value of plastic waste. (3) open up new business opportunities. (4) improve the quality of infrastructure. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as trials in making paving blocks to test durability and strength. This study shows that one solution in managing plastic waste is environmentally friendly and low cost</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gotong Royong : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat PENDIDIKAN DALAM BERMASYARAKAT DI DESA PERBOTO KECAMATAN KALIKAJAR KABUPATEN WONOSOBO2024-09-17T18:49:57+07:00Indra MaulanakpmPerboto@gmail.comAdam Al Ghiffari Manafarobiyah10@gmail.comFitri Nurul Ulyaarobiyah10@gmail.comAbrila Zahrotus Sufiaarobiyah10@gmail.comAprilia Rotul Krisdayantiarobiyah10@gmail.comLayla Salsabila Putri Anggraeniarobiyah10@gmail.comNur Aini Oktaviaarobiyah10@gmail.comAulia ulnainyarobiyah10@gmail.comFatmah Sariarobiyah10@gmail.comMuhamad Faqiharobiyah10@gmail.comIla Iliyyaarobiyah10@gmail.comPahma Adlenaarobiyah10@gmail.comNisa Nawila Nadila Riananingsiharobiyah10@gmail.comFifi<p><em>Education plays a crucial role in improving community welfare, particularly in addressing early marriage and child-rearing patterns. This study focuses on the impacts of early marriage on health, economic, and psychological aspects and how education can help mitigate these issues. Using Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, community service activities in Desa Perboto included assistance in early childhood education (ECE), primary school, and a Quran study program. ECE assistance focused on motor skill development and creativity, while primary school activities aimed to raise awareness about the importance of education. The Quran study program, despite challenges like gadget usage, successfully garnered community support and increased children's enthusiasm. The findings emphasize the need for awareness of education's importance in enhancing life quality and building a better future generation.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indra Maulana, Adam Al Ghiffari Manaf, Fitri Nurul Ulya, Abrila Zahrotus Sufia, Aprilia Rotul Krisdayanti, Layla Salsabila Putri Anggraeni, Nur Aini Oktavia, Aulia ulnainy, Fatmah Sari, Muhamad Faqih, Ila Iliyya, Pahma Adlena, Nisa Nawila Nadila Riananingsih, Fifi Anifah TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK DENGAN MEMPERBAIKI POLA ASUH DI KELURAHAN WADASLINTANG, KECAMATAN WADASLINTANG, KABUPATEN WONOSOBO2024-09-14T12:09:04+07:00Muhammad Najmuddinmuhamadtobroni93@gmail.comAsep Sunarkoarobiyah10@gmail.comKhuria Istangadaarobiyah10@gmail.comAnisatul Mualimaharobiyah10@gmail.comNova Nur Hidayaharobiyah10@gmail.comWulan Makrifiana Hakimarobiyah10@gmail.comWahyu Ifatulloharobiyah10@gmail.comAngga Alim Prasetyoarobiyah10@gmail.comAfra Putri Melatiarobiyah10@gmail.comArya Tama Yudhistiraarobiyah10@gmail.comMuhammad Tobroniarobiyah10@gmail.comAbi Miftahurrrahmanarobiyah10@gmail.comAn Naas Tasya Jelita Hatiarobiyah10@gmail.comAenna Fitri Kharisma<p><em>This study examines the optimization of child growth and development through improved parenting practices in Wadaslintang Village, Wadaslintang District, Wonosobo Regency. The research highlights the prevalence of stunting among children in the area and investigates its causes, including malnutrition, inadequate childcare practices, and socio-economic factors. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, the study collected data through interviews, observations, and documentation. The findings reveal that factors such as parental education, maternal knowledge about nutrition, food availability, and early marriage contribute significantly to stunting. The study proposes strategies to enhance parenting practices, emphasizing the importance of a safe environment, emotional support, positive discipline, and cognitive stimulation. It concludes that improving parental awareness and knowledge about proper childcare and balanced nutrition is crucial in reducing stunting rates and supporting optimal child development.</em></p>2024-09-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Najmuddin, Asep Sunarko, Khuria Istangada, Anisatul Mualimah, Nova Nur Hidayah, Wulan Makrifiana Hakim, Wahyu Ifatulloh, Angga Alim Prasetyo, Afra Putri Melati, Arya Tama Yudhistira, Muhammad Tobroni, Abi Miftahurrrahman, An Naas Tasya Jelita Hati, Aenna Fitri Kharisma