Teenage Education, Marriage Age Maturation, Sex EducationAbstract
"Empowerment of Adolescent Education Related to Marriage Age Maturation and Sex Education at SMA N1 Panerusan Wadaslintang" is a study that examines efforts to empower adolescent education related to marriage age maturity and sex education at SMA N1 Panerusan Wadaslintang. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implemented education program, identify factors that support and hinder the success of the program, and provide recommendations to improve the quality of the program. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the education program implemented at SMA N1 Panerusan Wadaslintang has had a positive impact on adolescents in increasing their understanding of marriage age maturity and sex education. However, there are still several factors that hinder the success of the program, such as lack of resources and parental involvement. This study provides recommendations to improve the quality of the program, such as increasing collaboration with various related parties and actively involving parents in the education process.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Naja, Asep Sunarko Sunarko, Nawa Kartika Abdi Negara, Chairul Adi Wibowo, Yuniatun Hasanah, Nailul Amalia, Amanda Salsabila, Amelia Sholehah, Siti Mariyam, Syamsa Hawwa Khairunisa, Istifaiyah Istifaiyah, Naufalin Nazla Afdhala, Shandi Annuriza Rachmanda, Mohammad A'lal Khikam, Mohamad Ngatoilah

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