Early Marriage, StuntingAbstract
Early marriage among teenagers in Mantrianom Village is very worrying, causing the stunting rate to increase. This research aims to explain one of the problems that exist in the community in Mantrianom Village, Bawang District, Banjarnegara Regency, namely the high rate of early marriage and stunting. The limitations of this research problem include the impact of early marriage and prevention efforts. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research with a case study type of research. The highest rate of early marriage in Mantrianom Village is in Banagara Hamlet. Early marriage causes domestic violence, divorce, poverty, stunting, cultural deviation and other negative impacts. The subject of this activity is the people of Mantrianom Village, especially teenagers in Mantrianom Village who are feared to be perpetrators of early marriage. The methods for implementing activities are observation, counseling and documentation. The results of the activity showed that the target community for the extension had a positive response to the implementation of the activity. The community is actively involved in implementing activities. This condition is expected to increase public understanding about the negative impacts of early marriage and stunting so that society is expected to be able to avoid early marriage and stunting
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