
  • Irwanda Ardhi Wijaya Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
  • Rosida Apriliana Shahirah Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta
  • Margartha Evi Yuliana Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta



cooperation; communication; employee performance


In the process of running an organization, various forms of skills are needed so that a company can develop properly and smoothly. These skills must be possessed by every employee. If there are new employees, the old employees must be able to teach them related to the culture that exists in a company. In addition, new employees must also be able to adapt to the new company environment. One of the internal factors for a company to run well is the performance of the employees or by the employees. On the other hand, employee performance is also influenced by several factors, for example, motivation, teamwork, communication, and so on. The purpose of writing this journal is to critically and deeply analyze the effect of communication and teamwork on improving employee performance. The type of research carried out is by using qualitative research using the literature review method from relevant literature sources. The results obtained from this journal that communication and teamwork have an influence and impact on employee performance. There must be good communication within the company. This will have an impact on the performance of employees. If the communication built has good communication, then employee performance will also be good as feedback. Conversely, if the communication that is built has poor communication, then the employee's performance will have an unfavorable impact as well. Likewise with the teamwork variable


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