Al Jabiri: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam <p><strong>Al-Jabiri: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam</strong> merupakan jurnal yang dihasilkan oleh para akademisi, sarjana, dan peneliti yang tertarik untuk mempelajari berbagai aspek Islam dari perspektif akademis dan ilmiah. Jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel yang berisi hasil penelitian, pemikiran, dan diskusi tentang berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam.</p> <p>Beberapa topik yang dibahas dalam jurnal ini meliputi sejarah Islam, teologi, hukum Islam, filsafat, sosiologi, dan antropologi Islam. Jurnal ini juga membahas masalah-masalah kontemporer dalam dunia Islam, seperti radikalisme, terorisme, dan ekstremisme.</p> <p>Al Jabiri memiliki standar akademik yang tinggi, dengan proses seleksi artikel yang ketat dan melibatkan para ahli di bidangnya. Jurnal ini juga diterbitkan dalam berbagai bahasa untuk memudahkan akses bagi pembaca dari berbagai negara.</p> <p><strong>Al-Jabiri: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam</strong> terbit sejak bulan Februari 2022 tepatnya sejak perilisan Volume 1, Nomor 1, Tahun 2022 dan terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun. Dewan Redaksi mengundang penulis untuk mengirimkan naskah terbaik yang akan diterbitkan dalam Jurnal ini.</p> <p>Jurnal ini dikelola secara profesional oleh tim <strong>DAS Institute</strong>. Saat ini jurnal <strong>Al-Jabiri: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam</strong> telah terindeks oleh beberapa mesin pengindeks seperti: Crossref, Moraref, Google Scholar dll.</p> <p>Editorial menerima artikel dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa English (Bilingual). Setiap artikel yang masuk akan dibaca oleh tim editorial. Artikel yang dievaluasi oleh editor dan dianggap tidak sesuai dengan kriteria jurnal akan ditolak tanpa tinjauan eksternal. Artikel yang kami nilai berpotensi menarik bagi pembaca dikirim ke peer reviewer. Setelah dilakukan review naskah oleh reviewer, naskah akan dikembalikan kepada penulis untuk direvisi. Tim editor membuat keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi reviewer.</p> DAS Institute en-US Al Jabiri: Jurnal Ilmiah Studi Islam 2961-7642 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA AL-QUR’AN MELALUI METODE TAHSIN <p><em>Reading the Qur'an properly and correctly is an obligation for all Muslims. This is intended so that the verses of the Qur'an that are recited are in accordance with the reading of the Qur'an by the Prophet Muhammad, and so that they are in accordance with the intent and purpose of the verses of the Al-Qur'an itself. One of the ways to read the Qur'an properly and correctly is to learn the rules of tajwid and take tahsin with a teacher or someone who is an expert in that field, especially someone whose reading has been in sanad and has received a diploma to teach it again</em></p> Martus Sholehah Ahmad Ridwan Siti Rukayyah Copyright (c) 2023 Martus Martus Sholehah, Ahmad Ridwan, Siti Rukayyah 2023-01-26 2023-01-26 1 2 66 76 POTRET EFEKTIFITAS GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM PEMBINAAN DISIPLIN SISWA <p><em>This paper discusses the effectiveness of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student discipline to enhance learning activities in the Islamic field. teachers are (a) the personality of the students so that they are self-aware by providing religious advice and providing an understanding of various kinds of Islamic education (b) making Islamic religious rules to shape the Islamic religion, learning students to govern good and prohibiting evil (c) providing training and habituation repeatedly, namely training, students to practice the material in the learning process (d) provides an imbalance and deterrent punishment that will shape student discipline. Students who behave and give punishment to naughty students and can commit violations.</em></p> Ahmad Ridwan Fitriani Fitriani Ulfa Satira Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad Ridwan 2022-08-25 2022-08-25 1 2 134 144 10.53866/aljabiri.v1i2.259 PRO-KONTRA KEMUNGKINAN MELIHAT ALLAH (RU’YATULLAH) DI AKHIRAT DENGAN MATA KEPALA <p><em>In Islamic treasures, the discussion of the science of kalam has its own charm because it discusses typical Islamic thoughts, so that the Islamic building becomes stronger. One of the most important matters related to the science of kalam, is the possibility of seeing Allah (ru'yatullah) in the afterlife which reaps the pros and cons. For this reason, this article will examine the pros and cons of the possibility of seeing Allah in the hereafter by focusing on the study of the arguments or arguments used by both parties, then continue with the rebuttals. Based on the study of the type of library research with a critical analysis approach, it can be concluded. First, seeing Allah in the hereafter for </em><em>Ahl </em><em>sunnah wal jama'ah is a matter that must be believed by every human being who has many arguments and has reached the mutawatir level. Second, for the Mu'tazilah and those who agree with them, they do not believe that Allah can be seen in the hereafter, they postulate several verses of the Qur'an with their understanding of reason. Third, the arguments that negate this possibility are very weak and can be refuted by the experts of the sunnah wa jama'ah</em><em>, </em><em>so that the argument is weak, and vice versa, showing that the arguments of</em> <em>the </em><em>Ahl </em><em>sunnah wa jama'ah are stronger.</em></p> Inayah Nazahah Amir Sahidin Copyright (c) 2023 Inayah Nazahah, Amir Sahidin 2023-02-22 2023-02-22 1 2 111 121 MAKNA BEKERJA DAN SPIRIT KEWIRAUSAHAAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF Q.S AN’AM AYAT 135 <p><em>This study aims to explain the meaning of work and the spirit of entrepreneurship in Islamic perception, especially in Q.S An-Na'am verse 135. This study uses a qualitative-thematic approach and collects library research data. The study results show that the two interpretations of Ahmad Musthofa al Maraghi in his Tafsir al Maraghi and Prof. Wahbah az Zuhaili in his Tafsir al Munir provide interpretations of Q.S al An'am verse 135 so that Muslims are enthusiastic about working and entrepreneurship. Of course, the job is lawful and follows the provisions of syara'. Because good work will produce good results, whether in this world or the hereafter. But on the contrary, if the work is terrible, then it will produce bad thinks too.</em></p> Syukrin Nurkamidien Waliko Waliko Muhammad Najmu Tsaqib Copyright (c) 2023 Syukrin Nurkamidien, Waliko Waliko, Muhammad Najmu Tsaqib 2023-02-14 2023-02-14 1 2 77 86 UPAYA PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI PADA GENERASI MUDA: FOKUS PADA REMAJA DAN SANTRI <p><em>Corruption is a severe problem Indonesia faces and needs to be resolved with an extraordinary approach. Instilling an anti-corruption attitude among youth and students can help form a generation with integrity and the character of honesty, intelligence, consistency, courage in upholding the truth, and confidence in conveying what is true according to Shari'a rules. This study aims to explain the strategy of instilling an anti-corruption attitude among santri. The method used is library research with a literature review technique. This study's results explain that to realize good anti-corruption education, there needs to be a collaboration between parents, educators, and the government so that awareness of the dangers and effects of corruption can be prevented from an early age. Prohibition of corruption is not only based on state law but also prohibited by Islamic law. Therefore, instilling Islamic values such as honesty, caring, and independence in students and youth can help shape anti-corruption character in society</em></p> Toufan Aldian Syah Mujiningsih Mujiningsih Rina Solihatin Apriana Nengsi Fakhrudin Akmal Eric Setia Permana Ajie Copyright (c) 2023 Toufan Aldian Syah, Mujiningsih Mujiningsih, Rina Solihatin, Apriana Nengsi, Fakhrudin Akmal, Eric Setia Permana Ajie 2023-02-28 2023-02-28 1 2 122 133 10.53866/aljabiri.v1i2.232 FRAMEWORK STUDI MAQASHID AL-SYARI’AH; ANTARA PENALARAN TEKSTUAL DAN KONTEKSTUAL <p><em>This article starts from misunderstanding of some Muslims in reasoning maqashid al-syari'ah. Some of them argue that maqashid al-syari'ah is only what appears of the text to nash, so they reason the text textually. As a result, Islamic law becomes rigid and it is easy to blame you. Some of them reasoned too much about maqashid al-syari'ah, thus canceling the text of the nash. As a result, he was brave enough to deconstruct a permanent Islamic law. Therefore, this article will examine maqashid al-syari'ah with a fair and moderate study (wasathiyah) that is not as extreme as textual or contextual reasoning. Through a critical analysis study of various authoritative literature, it was found that</em><em>, first:</em><em> wasathiyah reasoning in maqashid al-syari'ah reasoning is to distinguish between worship and muamalat matters in terms of the intentions behind them; </em><em>second: looking for</em><em> maqashid al-shari'ah before determining the law; </em><em>third: </em><em>principle</em><em>d</em><em> that the shari'a which is built on the qath'i argument will not conflict with benefit and common sense.</em></p> Amir Sahidin Copyright (c) 2023 Amir Sahidin 2023-02-21 2023-02-21 1 2 87 110